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Hongary the most beautiful

Below you will find a list of species that are regularly observed in the national park.​




Tree sparrow, Red-backed shrike, Common redstart, Bee-eater, Grey shrike, Hoopoe, Golden oriole, Eurasian sparrowhawk, Common kestrel, Red-footed falcon, Saker falcon, Hobby, White-tailed eagle, Osprey, Common buzzard, Honey-buzzard, Short-toed eagle, Marsh harrier, Northern goshawk, Tawny Owl, Eurasian scops owl, White stork, Black stork, Rufous nightingale, Syrian woodpecker, Black woodpecker, Green woodpecker, Wryneck, European roller, European nightjar, Great bustard, Stone-curlew, Bearded tit, Penduline tit, Great reed warbler, Savi’s warbler, Little bittern, Night heron, Squacco heron, Purple heron, Eurasian spoonbill, Great bittern, Pygmy cormorant, Common crane, Black tern, White-winged black tern, Whiskered tern, Moustached warbler, Collared pratincole,…​

Remiz pendulinus
Panurus biarmicus
Microcarbo pygmeus & Nycticorax nycticorax
Ardeola ralloides
Merops apiaster
Platalea leucorodia
Falco vespertinus
Circus aeruginosus
Dendrocopos major
Passer montanus
Otis tarda
Capreolus capreolus
Vulpes vulpes
Spermophilus citellus
Coracias garrulus
Melanargia galathea
Lutra lutra
Pelobates fuscus
Lacerta viridis
Lacerta viridis 2
Emys orbicularis
Anthocharis cardamines
Natrix natrix (2)
Natrix natrix
Podarcis tauricus
Papilio machaon
Dorcus parallelipipedus
Zerynthia polyxena
Leucorrhinia pectoralis
Acrotylus insubricus
Acrida hungarica
Gampsocleis glabra
Acanthaclisis occitanica
Crocothemis erythraea
Aeshna affinis
Polyommatus icarus
Argynnis adippe
Celerio euphorbiae
Agrostemma githago
Anacamptis morio
Dianthus serotinus
Orchis militaris
Colchicum arenarium
Gymnadenia conopsea
Iris sibirica
Ophrys sphegodes
Bufo viridis 2





Roe deer, red deer, fallow deer, European ground squirrel, European badger,  wild boar, Eurasian otter, golden jackal,...​

European pond turtle, European green lizard, Balkan wall lizard, common wall lizard, sand lizard, aesculapian snake, grass snake, meadow viper, moor frog, agile frog, European fire-bellied toad, European green toad, common spadefoot,..

Hungary has a very extensive insect life, unfinished work to sum up everything here. But some taste makers below.​

The rich variety of biotopes also involves a very diverse flora.

Anacamptis pyramidalis
Dactylorhiza incarnata
Hottonia palustris
Orchis laxiflora

Photos Stijn en Mieke & Kolon-to

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